Tenerife - Discover the island

You can cancel free of charge up to 2 days before the arrival date. (+ Nest Pass)

Tenerife - What does the island have to offer?

Tenerife is a beautiful island with a lot to offer, starting with the natural parks, the cultural activities, the excursions for the whole family and of course the wonderful beaches.

We are talking about the largest and most populated island of the Canary Islands (and Spain). It is known for its tourism, for its affordable prices and, above all, for its beautiful nature, for the beautiful nature it offers.

The south of the island is the most touristy and carefree area, with beaches, clubs and nightlife; while in the north, tourism focuses on nature and excursions tourism focuses on nature and excursions (without detracting from the beaches in the north). beaches). The difference is also noticeable in the climate and vegetation -The south is hot, dry and sandy; the north is cooler, wetter and lush. lush.
However, the temperature is mild all year round (in the range of ± 5°C, depending on the season) and does not usually stray far from 20°C. These two micro-climates are due to the presence of Mount Teide which - at an altitude of 3,718 metres - influences the presence of clouds and precipitation. As a curiosity, this volcano is the third highest in terms of altitude from its altitude from its base on the ocean floor.

Words are not enough to describe the true beauty of the island. of the island. So visit us at one of the Nest Hostel and see for yourself! your own eyes!

Tenerife - What to see?

There is so much to see in Tenerife ! As mentioned above, there is a lot of natural beauty on the island, for example:

  • El Teide National Park
    You must come here for at least one day if you travel to Tenerife. The landscapes, the crater and the flora will leave you speechless! It is no coincidence that it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.
  • Teno Park
    This rural park is perhaps the area that best preserves the culture, landscape and natural heritage of Tenerife. Thanks to its isolated position, it allows you to spend a peaceful day, immersing yourself in a green setting of rare beauty.
  • Villa de Masca
    Masca is a small, isolated and picturesque village, located on the heights of the northwest coast. The peaceful atmosphere is only interrupted from the 11th to the 17th, when Masca comes back to life!
  • Drago Millennium Park
    The Millennium Tree Drago is the living symbol of the island. This tree, some 800 years old, rises 18 metres above the ground and its trunk has a circumference of 20 metres; the rest of the park is also exciting. You can visit an Aboriginal burial site and spend the rest of the day in the green picnic area.
  • Wind Cave
    Have you ever been in a volcanic tube? If the answer is "no", this is your chance to venture into the centre of the Earth on a two-hour guided tour of a magnificent volcanic cavity.

An island to live on!

The activities to do on the island are many and varied, and related to the geography of the place.
You can do everything! For example, guided tours from the south coast to watch whales and dolphins in their natural habitat. to watch whales and dolphins in their natural habitat. Golf is also is also popular; in fact, there are many courses available for both professionals (who appreciate it a lot) and amateurs who want to experience it for the first time.

Surfing in Tenerife is also very popular. The beaches, both in the north and south, are home to many surfers and surfing surf schools, for those who want to approach this water sport for the first time. water sport for the first time.

Not to mention that there is a huge gastronomic culture in Tenerife: impossible not to try the mojo, the recipes based on gofio, the potato typical small potatoes of the archipelago, colorful and tasty- and, why not, a bottle of Dorada, the beer and, why not, a bottle of Dorada, the beer par excellence in Tenerife. Tenerife. If you prefer a family atmosphere, you can visit the typical tavern restaurants restaurants known as "guachinches", located in their own houses (often in the bodegas in their own houses (often in the cellars); you will be able to taste the homemade flavors of the island, and the excellent wine of the island, and the excellent wine of own production.

But above all, Tenerife is famous and appreciated for its excursions on foot or by bicycle. on foot or by bicycle. And for the landscapes it offers to anyone who can find them. who can find them.

There is something for everyone, come and visit the hostels Nest Hostel to really experience the island!

You decide when, where and how

Stay with our Nest family

Six hostels with which to get to know the island and all its travelers

Which of our hostels would you like to contact?

Our six hostels are distributed throughout the island in the most representative places of the island

If you want the NEST PASS week
When booking for more than 7 days, the discount will be applied and once you arrive at the reception or by calling with the details of your reservation, you can also request your transfer to another of our hostels.

Choose your favorite hostel

Our six hostels are distributed throughout the island in the most representative places of the island

If you want the NEST PASS week (less than 144€ one week 20,57€ per day) click on any hostel.
When booking for more than 7 days, the discount will be applied and once you arrive at the reception or by calling with your booking details, you can also request your transfer to another of our hostels.

And if you book for more than 28 days, the price per day is 19,64€/day (NEST PASS month 550€).

Los Gigantes/Puerto de Santiago

La Laguna/Santa Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Adeje Coast

El Medano

You can cancel free of charge up to 2 days before the arrival date.

* The Nest Pass is non-refundable because you book several hostels at the same time.